Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time and 2012

Is the world coming to end on Dec 21st 2012?

Absolutely not...The earth is around 4.54 billions years old according to
geologists and geophysicist and will continue to exist after 2012.

However, the earth has gone through many changes throughout its history and will continue to do so. One such example, are glaciation periods in the Earth's past that may have determined landscapes on
our planet (layers upon layers of ice in northern europe before the last ice age that ended approximately 10,000 years ago). With the end of the last ice age, we see human settlements and agriculture. Indeed, we can argue that such events are interconnected.

So, the world will not end but in may be due for a change in the coming years. We may be for a "jumpy", we may want to fasten our seat belts.

Now, we may ask: can we determine such changes? Sure we can. If we observe the seasons of the year, we can determine with a high degree of accuracy when the trees will start to blossom (I know that by the second week of March the trees on my front yard will start to blossom - it is an exact clock of nature). So, it is a matter of following cyclical patterns of nature that we can determine earth's changes. Such cyclical patterns are built in planetary movements...One such example is the earth's precession of the equinoxes which takes approximately 26,000 years to complete. The Mayans were great astromers and were able to study this pehenomena. Indeed, by following these cyclical patterns of the equinoxes or earth's precession, we can determine certain changes at specific intervals that may correspond to changes in the earth's landscape or for that matter in human settlements or activity.

Well, it is 10:50pm and I have to get up early tomorrow...Will follow this next time.

All the best...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

is Dec 21st 2012 real?

According to different sources such as the Mayan calendar (Doomsday 2012. The end of days - History channel), the I Ching and the prophesis of Nostradamus just to name a few predict natural disasters to occur on Dec 21, 2012 that can have catastrophic effects on our civilization.

So, is there any scientific evidence of such events? Well, I have been doing some research on the subject and I believe that there is a probable likelyhood that these events can take place.

Therefore, I'm in the process of gathering information about possible things one can do to be prepare for such events.

One possibility is to build an underground shelter at least 300 miles inland and preferable in a region of stable seismic activity.

One more thing to consider when selecting a place for the underground shelter is to consider the possibility of a pole shift - If such things does occur, great parts of Canada and North America will be under ice. The image at upper right corner shows earlier glaciations in the US. Solid line represents last ice age, while dotted lines show earlier glaciations. Image source:

So, one of the places Im currently considering is Texas.

Anyone wants to join the Texas community for 2012?